Thursday, March 28, 2013

Chicken Poop for Chapped Lips???

Okay, just the sound of this stuff is enough to send most people running in the opposite direction...but, I guess I'm not most people. I actually tried it today and guess what? It worked pretty good. Now I know what your thinking and NO! I didn't put actual chicken poop on my lips. That would be gross. There is a chapstick called chicken poop and it works great. Plus, you no longer have to worry about anyone else using your chapstick.

I know it seems a little out there, but you should really give it a try. It works great, better than regular chapstick as the main ingredient is avocado oil. Click here to get yours today.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Headache Relief

Tension Headaches. We have all gotten them at some point in our life. And sometimes, the pills we take to stop them either take too long or end up not working at all. Well, here is a tip that really works. The next time you have a tension headache try this.

 The pencil trick. We tend to automatically clench our jaws and teeth when we’re anxious or stressed, and this is a subconscious reaction that can lead to a tension headache. Sometimes, we even clench our jaw when we sleep and then wake up with a headache as a result.

Put a pencil between your teeth (don’t bite down) and hold it there. This simple strategy will cause your jaw to relax, easing tension, forestalling the headache, and easing the pain. And it works much quicker than the pills.

This won't work on migraines though. If you want a natural cure for these horrible headaches, I suggest you check out this ebook from Aggie Krol. She lays out a very simple, yet VERY effective way to get rid of your migraines for good. Get the ebook here.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Eat More, Lose More

How can we possible eat more food and lose more weight? Sounds crazy, but it is really true. It is called negative calorie intake. Now, all foods have calories, there is no way around it, but some foods will actually cause us to burn more calories trying to digest them then the food themselves actually contain. It's kind of like making your insides exercize while you sit on the sofa.

Ingesting these foods can also help to offset some of the other poor choices we make. Want that 400 calorie piece of cake? Okay, go ahead. Your body will burn about 150 of those calories while digesting so you need to burn another 250 to offset the cake. You can do this with negative calorie foods. Or if you're feelin strong, skip the cake and just let the negative foods do even more work.

For instance, when you eat a piece of broccoli that has 25 calories, you will burn 80 calories just digesting the broccoli, resulting in a whopping extra 55 calories that has to be pulled from your fat stores in the body. Not bad for a piece of broccoli.

Start losing weight now with negative calorie foods. Here is a great ebook I found that offers you a complete guide with 150 recipes for under $20. Most of the lists out there are much higher. Click Here to Get Your Copy

Good luck and let me know how you're progressing.

A "New" Kind Of Facial Peel

We have all done it...spent tons of money on every new facial product out there. And at some point, I'm sure most of us have tried those Biorre masks. The ones where you wet your face and stick them on, wait till they are dry and then peel them off to see all the yuck that came off of our face. And while they work, they are small, usually just covering the forehead or the nose, and they are also expensive.

Well, here is one crazy home remedy that I have tried and I must admit, it works. Elmers Glue! That's right. The same Elmers Glue we used in elementary school that would stick on our fingers and then peel off. It does the same on our face and brings out just as much yuck as those expensive Biorre strips.

Is it safe? Well, think about it. It is non-toxic and we give it to our children. Think they don't eat it from time to time? Admit it, we all know what it tastes like....just sayin'. Give it a shot...what have you got to lose except some dirt trapped in your pores.

But what about if you can't stand the smell? Here's an alternative. Make your own homemade glue. You can store it in the fridge for about 6 months. You will need:
1 Cup Flour
1 1/2 Cup Water
1/3 Cup Sugar
1 tsp Vinegar

In a saucepan mix 1 cup of flour with 1/3 cup of sugar.
Add half of the water required and mix into a thick paste without clumps.
Pour in the rest of the water and combine till the paste is smooth.
Pour one teaspoon of vinegar and put on medium heat until the mixture starts to thicken.
Cool and transfer to jar or an airtight plastic container.

This glue will keep for a few days on its own but refridgerate to prolong the life.
The vinegar in this glue recipe acts as a mild natural preservative.   Not only is this glue non toxic, but perfectly edible too!
This glue needs more time to dry, but when dried, the bond is really strong.

Give it a whirl and then let me know how it worked.